Great gallery. Always onto the unknown and unknowable. Very brave non-commercial approach which is actually quite rare. A/G should be rewarded with your visit. I would venture to say you would be stupid to avoid this gallery. Just my opinion. Its never a waste of time. Go.
Rat Fink searching for Scuz Finks, Gold Finks.
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Great gallery. Always onto the unknown and unknowable. Very brave non-commercial approach which is actually quite rare. A/G should be rewarded with your visit. I would venture to say you would be stupid to avoid this gallery. Just my opinion. Its never a waste of time. Go.
yeah Mitchell Algus is one of the good guys of the art world.
He is one of the good guys, but his partner is the exact opposite. I hope Mitchell doesn't lose his shirt.
A year later it looks like Mitchell's shirt is intact. see NY Observer article "Odd Couple"
don't believe what you read. they're doing good shows, but behind the scenes, it's a total and complete disaster.
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