Stephan Stoyanov Gallery

Stephan Stoyanov Gallery

previously operated as Luxe Gallery



Anonymous said...

Make sure you get PAID when he does, otherwise you're going to get stuck holding a check you can't cash!!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Not R.I.P. They just changed their name to Stefan Stoyanov Gallery.

Anonymous said...

they actually have a new, fantastic space on orchard Street. for those of you who have nothing better to do then trashing people just go and check it out.
as for the owner, the most passionate and hard working person.

Anonymous said...

He can sell works but does NOT pay artists.
Even if he pays, the check will bounces.

Anonymous said...

He owes money to almost every artist, gallery assistant, installation crew of his gallery.

Anonymous said...

unfortunately I have to agree with most of these comments and say, either get paid up front or don't work for Stefan.

Anonymous said...

He recently sold a video piece of mine and I got paid immediately. As an artist who sells editioned work (e.g. Photos, videos) its easy to prevent ppl from owing you money- no dealer gets the work to give their client until the check clears!

Anonymous said...

Such a beautifully honest man!

Dave said...

It's interesting how businesses evolve and rebrand over time.