Mario Naves

Mario Naves - art critic, New York Observer.



Anonymous said...

once gave me a really really bad review, it was even vindictive in a very non professional way,a bad "collage" artist too, only seems to like work that is like his. very conservative, should not be writing because he cant separate his own work and career from his criticism if you want to call it that.

Colin's Ghost said...

I heard he graduated from the University of Utah.

No wonder he doesn't know what he's doing.

Anonymous said...

this guy's is a joke. he should be living in some third tier city, bashing artists that don't use wax and decoupage. a negative review from him only points to the relevance of your work. i have never read a critic so out of touch.

kalm james said...

Interesting to note how the respondents here equate a “bad review” of their show with a “bad critic”. In this case, no matter what you think of the work, it strikes me as insulting to expect someone to lie about their opinion just to attain your approval. Mario is a serious critic, I don’t agree with a lot of his views but he should be respected for his honesty. Even if a critic pens a bad review, they are still taking the time to visit your show, think about the work, analyze it and then try to put something into words that makes sense. That’s a big investment, even though it doesn’t add up to the glowing “sales pitch” that passes for reviews among young artists. Grow up, if you can’t take the critique do something else. If he spelled your name correctly, it was a good review.

As far as the “Utah” thing goes, that’s below contempt.

Anonymous said...

I went to High School with Mario. He is a very intense, sensitive and intuitive person. I would take his opinions to heart.

grouchom1977 said...

stick to straight forward declarative sentences with substantive terms that have as much meaning as you expect from lousy contemporary artists. Your criticism are undermined by the very same sense of pastiche that you find problematic in the artist you review.