Michael Sellinger

Michael Sellinger

- Cottleston Advisors


Anonymous said...

Michael was a founder of the Scope Art Fair but left several years ago.

Anonymous said...

actually just hired at scope came 2 years after inception, really good guy either way.

Anonymous said...

douche douche douche. This douchabag was treating the VIP lounge at PULSE 2010 NYC as his exclusive booth. He had his anorexic minions instructing VIPs to get off the couches and move to the other side of the VIP lounge so his "exclusive" VIPs could sit around him and look at some lame photo exhibition and indulge on cheap smelling appetizers that were hidden under plastic and napkins. He kept gazing around and giving dirty looks to people who approached "his side." I was there and saw it all, as I was getting up from my seat to exit the lounge, minion #3 instructed me to move if I wasn't in Diane's Party- shell out some dough and get your own booth. He was trying to hustle a sale so pathetically to anyone who even glanced at the work.

Anonymous said...

Michael has been good to me in the past and was much more on the ball than most of the Scope crew (contrary to the other post, I believe he was a founder and sold his share to Alexis), but the VIP Lounge situation at Pulse NY was pretty disgusting.